
bad movies and sharp objects

so i love movies. i also love bad movies. i do love good movies but there is something special about bad movies. it all started out with ice pirates. it is so good. it was sort of made to be bad but it is great. highlight of the movie, space herpes.

movie two hercules, the lou ferrigno version. it has some of the most ridiculous special effects, costumes, story lines and acting.

movie three troll 2, oh my goodness. it is incredible. wow. honestly the funniest thing i've seen. but ya the movie is about a town called Nilbog ("it's goblin spelled backwards!") and how the goblins want to turn the humans into plants so they can eat them. there isn't a troll in the movie and it is classic.

so sharp objects and i don't get along. first off, i am terrified of sharp things, knives, needles, etc. so recently, i cut my elbow on my razor while rinsing my hair. i cut my finger on a tape gun, it was pretty deep. i cut my finger with scissors while cutting grapes into bunches. it isn't like i was doing something crazy, rinsing my hair, taping something up, and cutting up grapes. these are the most recent events but just so you know, please keep anything sharp away from me.


  1. Post Kristen's shower invite... It is FABULOUS!! I didn't see the return label was from you and I thought it was a wedding invite! You rock.

  2. thanks meg! i took pictures to post but they came out blurry so i will take more in a day or so and post them!
